In keeping with our Vision and Mission to create a culture of support in Connecticut for students interested in STEM, the Connecticut STEM Foundation has created a Three-Tier Scholarship Program.
2024 Scholarships Have Been Awarded
2025 Scholarship Info Available Feb 2025
TIER ONE is designed to support Connecticut graduating seniors who have participated in the current year’s CT STEM Fair and plan to major in a STEM field at college. To help offset first-year college costs for these students, CT STEM Foundation grants two scholarships, each valued at $2,500.
TIER TWO is designed to support Connecticut undergraduate high school students who want to explore STEM fields during the summer. A Summer Scholarship of up to $500 (depending on the summer STEM program cost to the student) is available for one of these students. Examples of summer STEM programs include any college/university summer STEM course, a summer STEM internship program, a summer science center STEM program, or a tuition high school summer STEM program.
TIER THREE serves the same objectives as Tier Two, the difference being that it is designed for Middle School students to help spur their interest in STEM upon entering high school.
Application forms are available below for all three tiers of this program:
The application deadline for the College Scholarship Program is June 7, 2025. The application deadlines for the Undergraduate Summer and Middle School programs are June 14, 2025.
Using a browser on your computer (not a mobile device), click the link below for the scholarship programs of interest. This will copy a ZIP file to your computer. Double-click the ZIP file to see its contents. Read the enclosed instructions before completing any forms!
Contact us at 203-978-3689 or connecticut.stem@gmail.com with any questions.
COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM-Applications must be received by 5:00 pm on Saturday, June 1, 2024. ($2500)
College Scholarship Program CT-STEM-2024
SUMMER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM• Applications must be received by 5:00 pm on Saturday, June 8, 2024.
Summer Scholarship CT-STEM-2024
MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM • Applications must be received by 5:00 PM, Saturday, June 8, 2024.
Middle School Scholarship CT-STEM-2024